養護與管理措施 |
CMM 01-2019
智利竹筴魚養護與管理措施 (被CMM 01-2020所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure for Trachurus Murphyi |
CMM 03-2019
SPRFMO公約區域內底層捕撈管理之養護與管理措施 (被CMM 03-2020所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure for the Management of Bottom Fishing in the SPRFMO Convention Area |
CMM 03a-2019
SPRFMO公約區域內深海物種之養護與管理措施 (被CMM 03a-2020所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure for Deepwater Species in the SPRFMO Convention Area |
CMM 04-2019
建立被認為是在SPRFMO公約區域從事非法、未報告及不受規範捕撈活動船舶名冊之養護與管理措施 (被CMM 04-2020所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure Establishing a List of Vessels Presumed to Have Carried Out Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing activities in the SPRFMO Convention Area |
CMM 05-2019
建立經授權於公約區域捕魚之委員會漁船名冊之養護與管理措施(被CMM 05-2021所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure for the Establishment of the Commission Record of Vessels Authorised to Fish in the Convention Area |
CMM 07-2019
港口國檢查最低標準之養護與管理措施(被CMM 07-2021所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure on Minimum Standards of Inspection in Port |
CMM 08-2019
SPRFMO公約區域內刺網之養護與管理措施 (被CMM 08-2023 所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure for Gillnets in the SPRFMO Convention Area |
CMM 10-2019
建立SPRFMO公約區域遵從監控計畫之養護與管理措施 (被CMM 10-2020所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure for the Establishment of a Compliance and Monitoring Scheme in the SPRFMO Convention Area |
CMM 13-2019 |
SPRFMO 公約區域新漁業及探勘漁業養護與管理措施 (被CMM 13-2020所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure for the Management of New and Exploratory Fisheries in the SPRFMO Convention Area |
CMM 14a-2019 |
紐西蘭船旗漁船於SPRFMO公約區域內(被CMM 14a-2022所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure for Exploratory Fishing for Toothfish by New Zealand-Flagged Vessels in the SPRFMO Convention Area |
CMM 14b-2019 |
SPRFMO公約區域探勘籠壺漁業養護與管理措施 (被CMM 14b-2020所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure for Exploratory Potting Fishery in the SPRFMO Convention Area |
CMM 14c-2019 |
歐盟船舶在SPRFMO公約區域之美露鱈探勘捕撈養護與管理措施 (已於2020年2月19日失效) |
Conservation and Management Measure for Exploratory Fishing for Toothfish by EU Vessels in the SPRFMO Convention Area |
CMM 16-2019 |
SPRFMO觀察員計畫養護與管理措施(被CMM 16-2021所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure Establishing the SPRFMO Observer Programme |
CMM 17-2019 |
SPRFMO公約區域內漁具及海洋塑膠汙染之養護與管理措施(被CMM 17-2022所取代) |
Conservation and Management Measure on Fishing Gear and Marine Plastic Pollution in the SPRFMO Convention Area |